DN for Multiple Scl...
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DN for Multiple Sclerosis

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Posts: 6
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Joined: 5 years ago

Hi everyone,
I gave an inservice the other day to an MS support group regarding DN. I treat orthopedic issues but was asked to lead this discussion as I am the only dry needle therapist at my office. 2 questions came up during the session.
1. Does DN help the "MS Hug"? Which apparently is pain surrounding the thoracic region as if someone was hugging you.
2. Does DN help fatigue with walking endurance?
Thanks for any insight into these questions,

1 Reply
Posts: 6
Joined: 5 years ago


Though I treated patients with Multiple Sclerosis on a regular basis, none of my patients have presented with the "MS hug" symptoms you have described. However, I would consider using the thoracic/lumbar homeostatic points as well as the associated paravertebral segments and assess their response within sessions, between sessions and over the course of a few sessions.

Clinically, I have patients where their gait mechanics improve; therefore, the energy expenditure to ambulate is less. However, I would be mindful of needle dosage and duration of e-stim due to the fatigability of the system and/or causing muscular fatigue.

Thank you for your questions,




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